Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Cleanest Bathroom on the Block


So shiny and bright, you'll need sunglasses!
This season, why not give your Holiday Throne the deep-down scrubbing it so richly deserves with our functional and attractive Decorative Pine Tree & Triple-Action Bowl Brush Combo?

Say goodbye to that ineffective and unsightly single-headed brush you've been using, and stride purposefully into the 21st century armed with the most effective manual bowl cleaning tool ever devised. Why exert yourself vigorously scrubbing for minutes at a time with an old-fashioned brush, when you can finish the job in one fell swoop with virtually no risk of bristle spray-back?

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1) While grasping the special germ-resistant fabric bundle at base of the brush, push the entire unit point first into the bowl until the last brush cluster is just below the rim. Don't worry . . . the super-flexible "tree trunk" is springy enough to follow the twists and turns of even the most convoluted plumbing systems without breaking or binding!

2) Once the Triple-Action Bowl Brush is in place, turn the base clockwise for 2 complete rotations, and Voila! Pipes, bowl, and even those hard-to-reach places under the rim are rendered spotless with unparalleled ease!

3) Now simply withdraw the brush and stand it on the floor in any location you find aesthetically pleasing and, as if by magic, this functional cleaning tool transforms into a beautiful piece of bathroom decor! Any water left in the brush's bristles will trickle harmlessly downward to be absorbed and sterilized in the base, leaving you free to go about your day untroubled by hygienic concerns.

We think the choice is easy!
Gone are the days of trying to hide those inferior bowl brushes in the cabinet under the sink, or in a corner somewhere where they're sure to tip over or be spotted by a sharp-eyed visitor to your home's lavatory. You'll sleep easier at night knowing that when you have company over they'll be marveling at your housekeeping skills, rather than fretting about their proximity to any potential sources of contagion from less artfully disguised cleaning tools!

Adorn and restore your commode to that "factory-new" condition and order your Decorative Pine Tree & Triple-Action Bowl Brush Combo today!

Just $29.99 each.
Holiday Special: Order two and receive a third for half-price!

(Do not handle with bare hands. Does not include recommended safety googles and rubber apron)
Proud Partner with Random Musings in the
"Holiday Decor and Gift-Giving Blog-o-Palooza!"